Sexual Orientation Change Efforts Do Not Increase Suicide: Correcting A False Research Narrative
Father Paul Sullins, Professor Emeritus Catholic University of America, Ruth Institute Demographer, just published a paper debunking the current research narrative that sexual orientation efforts cause increased suicidality. We are able to share the abstract of the paper, and will share the full thing when it is available.
"Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCEs) signify activities designed to change or reduce homosexual orientation. Recent studies have claimed that such therapies increase suicide risk by showing positive associations between SOCE and lifetime suicidality, without excluding behavior that pre-dated SOCE. In this way, Blosnich et al.’s (2020) recent analysis of a national probability sample of 1518 sexual minority persons concluded that SOCE “may compound or create...suicidal ideation and suicide attempts” but after correcting for pre-existing suicidality, SOCE was not positively associated with any form of suicidality. For suicidal ideation, Blosnich et al. reported an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 1.92 (95% CI 1.01–3.64); the corrected AOR was .44 (.20–.94). For suicide planning, Blosnich et al.’s AOR was 1.75 (1.01–3.06); corrected was .60 (.32– 1.14). For suicide attempts, Blosnich et al.’s AOR was 1.75 (.99–3.08); corrected was .74 (.36–1.43). Undergoing SOCE after expressing suicidal behavior reduced subsequent suicide attempts from 72 to 80%, compared to those not undergoing SOCE, when SOCE followed a prior expression of suicidal ideation (AOR .17, .05–.55), planning (AOR .13, .04–.45) or intention (AOR .10, .03–.30); however, SOCE following an initial suicide attempt did not significantly reduce further attempts. By violating the principle that a cause cannot occur after an effect, Blosnich et al. misstated the correct conclusion. Experiencing SOCE does not result in higher suicidality, as they claim, and may sharply reduce subsequent suicide attempts. Restrictions on SOCE will not reduce suicidal risk among sexual minorities and may deprive them of an important resource for reducing suicide attempts."