Michigan's Prop 3 Removes Parents from Parenting
Governor Gretchen Whitmer's support of Prop 3 reveals that she is more in line with authoritarians than with Michiganders.
Read the entirety of the press release here: https://ruthinstitute.org/press/michigans-prop-3-removes-parents
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“Michigan’s Proposal 3 – an amendment to the state’s constitution – is about far more than unlimited access to abortion,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “It would also allow clinics to dispense puberty-blocking drugs to minors as a first step toward ‘gender reassignment’ surgery – without parental knowledge or consent.”
“This amendment to the Michigan Constitution is being hyped as a way to restore what’s called ‘full reproductive freedom’ – read an unlimited right to abortion. It’s much more, including a right to gender-transitioning drugs and surgery for minors.”
Morse declared, “This deceptively-worded amendment refers to ‘individuals.’ If the framers of this amendment intended its provisions to be limited to adults, they could have easily said so.”
Prop 3 says, “Every individual has a fundamental right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters related to pregnancy, including contraception, sterilization… and infertility care.”
Article 3 of the proposal potentially eliminates parental involvement in their children’s decision-making: “Nor shall the state penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual in exercising their right to reproductive freedom with their voluntary consent.”
“Concerned parents who want to slow down their daughter’s decision-making are at greater risk than the school counselor or Planned Parenthood worker who facilitates the girl’s abortion,” Morse observed.
Even worse, Prop 3 opens the door for minors to start taking the first step on the road to permanently and dangerously altering their bodies. Morse asked rhetorically: “If you were crafting an amendment just to ‘codify Roe,’ allowing abortion, why would you include a right to ‘sterilization and infertility care’? A person who cannot conceive, doesn’t have to be concerned about abortion.”
Furthermore, puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and ‘trans-gender’ surgery involve sterilization and infertility. “Once a confused young girl has her uterus removed, she becomes infertile. When a teenaged boy has his testicles cut off, he has been sterilized,” Morse noted.
Dispensing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which interfere with the natural processes of the body, is a substantial source of income for Planned Parent affiliates.
“If Prop 3 passes, Planned Parenthood won’t have to worry about pesky parents getting involved in a child’s decision to have an abortion or start taking dangerous hormones,” Morse warned. “Planned Parenthood can count on a steady stream of revenue from cross-sex hormones, as well as from abortion.”
“And remember,” Morse continued, “Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan is leading the campaign for the passage of Prop 3. Planned Parenthood is not only the chief abortion-provider nationally, but also the principal provider of puberty blocking drugs.”
“The mainstream media doesn’t discuss these things, it merely speaks of codifying Roe,” Morse said. “It’s up to parents and all voters to educate themselves on the awful reality of Prop 3 before casting a ballot on November 8.”
The Ruth Institute maintains a comprehensive Transgender Resource Center on the dangers of the transgender ideology: http://ruthinstitute.org/resource-center/transgender/