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Join us as we discuss how to protect your family from the ravages of the Sexual Revolution. We talk about finding ways to fight back and defend your homes, churches, communities, and even your nation. We bring together the scientific experts, the witnesses and survivors, and you!
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This article was written by Ruth Institute founder and president, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, and was published on the National Catholic Register, here:

The United Nations’ Population Division predicts we’ll hit 8 billion people on Nov. 15. No doubt, the usual suspects will be telling us there are already too many of us humans on the planet.

Rather than just bracing ourselves for the barrage of doomsday propaganda that is sure to come, let’s go on offense: Without apology or equivocation, we welcome Baby 8 Billion.

With falling fertility around the world, we need babies now more than ever. Elon Musk said, “If people don’t have more children, civilization will crumble.” The labor shortages that many businesses are experiencing today are a foretaste of what the world will look like when population starts to actually decline.

The idea that there are too many people is morally offensive. Who exactly has the right to make such a statement? Too many people for what purpose? Too many people by what definitions?

When we start fretting over “too many people,” plans to “do something about it” won’t be far behind. We’ve already seen decades of propaganda and policies steering people’s reproductive choices here in the West. In China, we’ve seen decades of out and out control of people’s choices through the notorious One-Child policy.

Thomas Malthus thought the world was overpopulated in the late-18th century when there were 1 billion of us. He predicted mass famine. When Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb in 1968, the earth’s population was 3.6 billion. He predicted worldwide starvation in the 1970s. It never happened.

As a matter of fact, the world is better off in material terms than it ever has been. More and more people have been lifted out of poverty. According to World Bank estimates, 36.3% of the world’s population lived in poverty in 1990. By 2019, a mere 8.6% of the people of the world were poor by these same measures. These astonishing figures do not seem to slow down the doomsayers who claim there are too many people.

It is true that population is growing, even though fertility rates have fallen all across the world. That’s because people are living longer. Let’s take the Philippines as an example. Their population grew from 28 million to 112 million between 1960 and 2020. I don’t know about you, but in my mind, more Filipinos is a good thing! Nonetheless, this rising population was the excuse that Western “experts” gave for pushing the 2012 Reproductive Act on the people of the Philippines. “Too many people,” don’tcha know?

Population alarmism hides these facts: The Total Fertility Rate in the Philippines has fallen from 7.15 births per woman in 1960 to 3.2 in 2010, and now down to 2.53 births per woman in 2020. What are the birth controllers complaining about? That last half child per woman? Get a life people!

Now consider these facts: The child mortality rate in the Philippines has dropped from 68.05 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1960 to 18.12 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2020. Fewer babies are dying. Yea! Great news for everyone! The life expectancy in the Philppines has increased from 61 years to 71 years over the same time period. People are living longer! Yea!

Yes, population is growing, but not because we are breeding like bunnies. It is because we are no longer dropping like flies.

Yet, rich and powerful people have spent literally billions of dollars convincing us that there is an “over-population crisis.” These naysayers are, in effect, complaining about people living longer. Either that, or they don’t know what they are talking about.

The prophets of population doom forget that every new person is more than a consumer, another mouth to feed. Every new person is potentially a producer, a pair of hands. The late, great Julian Simon pointed out that the human mind, with its imagination, ingenuity and motivation to help others, is The Ultimate Resource in his masterful book of that name.

So here at the Ruth Institute, we will be watching the World Population Clock to see it hit 8 billion. We know it is not possible to know exactly who Baby 8 Billion will be, or when he or she will be born.

Maybe Baby 8 Billion will be a boy in Nigeria, arriving precisely on Nov. 15 at midnight Greenwich Mean Time. Maybe Baby 8 Billion will be a girl in the Philippines the day before. Or perhaps twins in France will push us over the mark several days later.

No matter. We are looking forward to Baby 8 Billion. We have a letter we are addressing to all the babies born this November and their parents. The letter starts like this:

Dear Baby 8 Billion,

We’re glad you’re here. In fact, we’re so happy, we want to thank your mother and father for bringing you into the world.

Please know that we’re not the slightest bit worried about your “carbon footprint.” We’ll always consider you a gift to the world. We don’t care where you live, what religion your family professes, or what race you may be. Our wish for you is the same: that your mother and father love you and each other your whole life.

And the letter ends like this:

Our little ones taught us how to love. Every one of them, every one of you, is loved by somebody!

God, especially, loves you. And that’s the real reason you’re here. God made you in his image and likeness. No one will ever reflect the image of God in exactly the same way as you. Isn’t that amazing? God wants you to be here. That’s good enough for us!

So, Baby 8 Billion, welcome to the world! We thank God for you. We thank your mother and father for having you! Whatever your life may bring, you are part of the human family. We’re glad you’re here!


Your friends at the Ruth Institute.

So please join us in welcoming Baby 8 Billion to the world! Join us in thanking parents everywhere who bring children into the world, allowing all of us to have a future on this earth. I hope you’ll share this message of encouragement to the new babies and their parents!

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Get more details about transgenderism:

Visit our transgender resource center here:

Visit our friends at ACPEDs for more trustworthy information on transgenderism:

Learn more about how to deal with gender dysphoria:

If you regret your sex change, you can reach out to Walt Heyer at:

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A little levity...

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face ...

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Khelif Is a Man - and Screaming Won't Change That
News Roundup 8/22/2024

The 2024 Olympic Games are over and done, but the controversies they engendered are merely beginning. You can pretty much guarantee that the IOC have become not just shills for the transgender crowd, but promoters of their insanity. For whatever problems the International Boxing Association may have had, they were up front about why the two male boxers were banned - and they have been consistent about that. The funny thing is that the online trolls, who have long declared that genitalia does not determine sex, are now converted to it and will insist, shaking their fists at the heavens, that they were right all along and it is the "gender critical" folks who are caught in a hypocritical lie. It is pretty easy to spot, however, who is telling the truth, and who is committed to the Sexual Revolution. With apologies to the women cheated out of a medal to the IOC's ineptness, we present this week's News Roundup.



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The Dangerous Olympic Boxing Gender Experiment

Algerian Boxer Embroiled in Sex-Identification Controversy Wins Olympic Gold Medal

International Olympic Committee President Says Chromosomes Don’t Determine Sex: ‘Not True Anymore’

On The Warpath Against WPATH's Harmful Guildelines for Gender Confused

Detransitioner sues Planned Parenthood, other doctors over hormone therapy, breast removal

Family Pride Parade to be held on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro

Khelif’s Trainer Confirms “Problem With Chromosomes” As Spanish National Boxing Team Commissioner Reveals That Khelif Was Considered Too Dangerous To Train Against Women

Massachusetts To Offer Non-Binary Birth Certificates For Newborn Babies

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IVF Becomes a Burning Issue in the US Election

Investigation reveals UK schools are banning LGBT+ books after complaints from parents

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The Sexual State Strikes Again
News Roundup 7/31/2024

As many of you probably saw (or at least heard about) the Olympics in Paris included a bizarre, blasphemous, sexualized depiction of the Last Supper, complete with drag queens and a naked singer. The outrage was palpable enough for the organizers to cobble together a press conference to defend their terrible judgement and justify their poor taste, I mean apologize if people were offended. The officials bumbled around with their words, defended their actions based on France's commitment to free speech, and left with their hubris, just as confused as they were at the beginning that anyone could possibly object to a very normal recreation. It was a beautiful demonstration of how the Sexual State works - the elites, intent on power, misunderstanding the rest of the normal world, drunk on their own commitment to their revolutionary ideology, impose horrendous laws (or artistic interpretations) and are completely stunned when they go over like a lead balloon. Fortunately, this is just the Olympics, and the IOC, for its many flaws, doesn't have coercive power, like the provincial governments in Australia, or the US government. 

Fortunately, we've documented loads of examples of the Sexual State and its malfeasance from the month of July. Feel free to read, and to share with your friends. The more people know, the better they can take action to oppose stuff like this. All this, and more, in a woefully late News Roundup!




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Even When Blaspheming At The Olympics, Queer Activists Reinforce Christianity

EXCLUSIVE: Federal Guide On ‘Inclusive Language’ Tells Bureaucrats To Ditch Gendered Terms Like ‘Son,’ ‘Daughter’

Track Coaches Speak Out After Trans-Identifying Male Destroys Female Competitors At State Championship

Denver Police Shoot and Kill Transgender Suspect Who Tried to Attack Cop With Knife

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ alumni launch nation’s first PAC led by drag performers

Trans-Identifying Biden Official Allegedly Behind Push To Ditch Age Guidelines For Transgender Procedures: Docs Show

The Making of a Gender Critical, Captured Kid

Sick Scots musician wanted to 'buy baby to abuse' and 'offered to pay monthly'

Losing Both Ovaries Could Come at a Serious Cost to The Brain, Researchers Find

EXCLUSIVE: Miss Maryland Contestants Push Back After Male Winner Steals Their Crown

Former Olympian swimmer competing again after becoming a mom: ‘I wanted to prove myself’

The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine

The Texas Children's Hospital Scandal About Transgender Kids that Just Won't Die

Non-Binary Ex–Biden Official Sam Brinton Avoids Jail for 3rd Time, Gets Plea Deal with No Jail Time

Andrew Rodriguez: Conversion therapy v SAFE-T: Myths and same-sex attraction

Ex-porn star Joshua Broome on the ‘7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life’

Mission and values': Tractor Supply Co. abandons LGBT, progressive causes amid backlash

Trans runner Nikki Hiltz qualifies for Paris Olympics after placing first at US trials

Biden admin. says it opposes trans surgeries for minors after HHS officials pushed to remove age limits

Trans Double Murderer Moved Back to Men’s Prison Due to ‘Safety Concerns’

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How divorce never ends: It will affect your kids for the rest of their lives

Stop Using Art Created In Abuse: A Plea From A Survivor

Removing Rupnik Art Amid Abuse Claims Would Show Church's Commitment to Change, Say Survivors

Vatican Communications Prefect on Using the Rupnik Art: I Don't Think We Have to Throw Stones

You need to be re-educated': That's how a group of NHS nurses say hospital chiefs reacted when they complained that a transgender colleague - who shared their women's changing room - stared as they got undressed

SCOTUS Opinions Indicate the Death of the Administrative State is Just Beginning

Chevron overturn and its impact on trans issues.

Knights of Columbus to Cover Father Rupnik's Art in DC, CT

Surrogates twice as likely to suffer dangerous pregnancy complications

Amie’s story | “I feel inadequate, anxious, unable to attach to people, fearful of being abandoned.”

Swiss Authorities Demand Parnets Allow Child to Be Transed

I am the uncle of my biological son — donating sperm to my sister was the right thing to do

EXCLUSIVE: Cal State “Gender” Academic Inspired Pedophilic Fantasy On Castrating, Enslaving Young Boys

EXCLUSIVE: Major Pediatric Medical Org Plotted Ways To ‘Circumvent’ Child Sex Change Bans, Emails Show

3 Ways Feminism Laid the Groundwork for Transgenderism

Boxers who failed gender tests at world championships cleared to compete at Olympics

John Swinney could scrap SNP’s ‘extreme’ conversion therapy ban


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London Breed Personifies the Elitist Sexual Revolution's Imposition
News Roundup 6/25/2024

If you needed any further proof of the insanity of the transgender ideology, you need look no further than the San Francisco Mayoral race. During one debate, the current mayor, London Breed, took time to showcase her weirdly expert knowledge on drag queens in order to prove her bona fides and stand out as the true champion of the little...guy. No need to show off her street cred about cleaning up the streets from actual feces, or stopping the crime that is so rampant, no, she is clearly an agent of the Sexual Revolution and continues the top-down imposition of perverse sexual attitudes and actions upon the people of San Francisco, who, however liberal they may be, probably just want the city streets to be safe and clean again. The Sexual Revolution is all about the power, and is clearly an elitist ideology being forced upon us. 

All that, and unfortunately, much more in this week's News Roundup.



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London Breed’s drag queen ‘gotcha’ moment during mayoral debate straight out of an SNL skit

FBI shows up at home of Texas nurse who opposes ‘transgender medicine’

Catholic Charity Sponsors Book Reading Encouraging Children To Move ‘Beyond The Gender Binary’

Inside The Fight To Shield Kids From Graphic Material In A Deep Red State

Cruz Introduces Bill Protecting Victims From Deepfake Revenge Porn

Thailand's Senate passes historic same-sex marriage bill

Yale Hospital: Reproductive Options for Transgender Individuals

Gay couple speaks out after filing lawsuit against New York City for IVF benefits

Maya Forstater, Gender-Critical Hero, ‘Bullied’ by Police

Catholic Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity

Why is the FBI covering for trans mass shooters?

Utah Man, who claims to be a woman, kills parents, leads police on a manhunt

Nextdoor App Suspends A Woman For Defending Rape Survivors

Utah lawmakers vote to block federal protections for LGBTQ+ students under Title IX

America’s Medical Establishment Is in Denial on the Dangers of Gender Transition

I had a stranger’s baby when I was engaged to someone else – my fiancee even watched as I pushed and panted on his sofa

Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's life

Chellenging the Equality Act

Lego unveils first LGBTQ set ahead of Pride Month

Baby girl who died from being left in the back of a hot car 'for hours' in San Diego - just two months after being adopted by local gay couple

SCOTUS to Rule on Transgender Medicine for Teens

US Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence (And Not Abortion) A Public Health Crisis

Republican Support for Gay Marriage Plummeted over Past Two Years, New Poll Finds

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