Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., joined a group of distinguished pro-family leaders in warning South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem of the dangers of an upcoming Gender Identity Summit in her state.
Morse stated, “The Ruth Institute is pleased to learn that Gov. Noem has cancelled the state’s contract with the Transformation Project, a radical trans activist organization. I join with other pro-family leaders in now calling her to speak out against the Midwest Gender Identity Summit and to investigate the use of taxpayer funds that promote the gender identity ideology.”
The letter expresses “grave concern” over a January 13, 2023, Midwest Gender Identity Summit in Sioux Falls, in which “Sanford Health [formerly a state contractor] is partnering with The Transformation Project, whose goal is to condone sex changes in children.”
The letter explains that the conference will “promote gender ideology, a belief system that severely undermines healthy mental and physical outcomes, especially in children.”
It notes that “under your direction, the State of South Dakota should be in the business of ensuring that health care providers live up to their ethical obligations to do no harm.”
The letter continues:
“The Transformation Project promotes the lie that men can be women, boys can be girls, that some people are even ‘non-binary’ or ‘asexual.’ This ideology has inspired thousands of children to take puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones. It’s given cover for doctors to amputate healthy body parts even of minors and to fashion nonfunctioning replicas of sex organs.”
The letter concludes: “Respectfully, we are asking you use your leadership to speak out against the misguided agenda of this summit and urge President and CEO Bill Gassen to disassociate Sanford Health and its employees from this event. Any benefit of professional credit will only serve to advance its radical philosophy and harm children and families.”
Morse added: “Gov. Noem has always been a strong advocate of family values. I’m sure that now that the matter has been brought to her attention in a thoughtful manner, she’ll warn citizens of South Dakota of the harm caused by such events.”
Besides Morse, signers include Penny Young Nance (President, Concerned Women for America), Tony Perkins (President, Family Research Council), and Ryan Anderson (President, Ethics and Public Policy Center).
Read the full article here.