Welcome to the News Roundup for the week of September 18th, 2023. This week we have more madness from California who passed a bill punishing parents who dn't affirm their gender confused kids in custody battles, a top Virginia Democrat who is crying foul after people noticed that she and her husband were asking for money after live-streaming their own porn, and, on the good news side of things, more school districts in California have banned flying the pride flags, and couples with married children are the happiest of all groups.
Please note that all the links are clickable.
LGBTQ Pride flags banned by California school districts
DHS Awards Anti-Terror Grant to LGBTQ Group
There's no defending (Colorado Republican) Lauren Boebert's Behavior.
CA Lawmakers Vote to Remove Kids from Any Parents Who Don't Support Severing their Genitals
DHS Awards Anti-Terror Grant for LGBTQ Group to Indoctrinate 6 Year Olds
General Medical Council Removed Word Mothers in Maternity Policy
PA School Board Votes to Retain Trans-Identifying Tennis Coach after Locker Room Allegation
Kazakhstan and Its Neighbors Are Way, Way Beyond Replacement Fertility
Combination of Marriage and Parenthood Linked to Biggest Happiness Dividends for Women and Men
Swedish Judge Reccomends Goverment Not Ban Gay Conversion Therapy
Luka Hei, Minnesota Detransitioner, is Suing her Doctors for the Rushed Procedure, 5th in US