In this week's News Roundup, we have plenty to cover - including some interesting news about Nike stock. But first, a school schooting was averted, but the would-be shooter turns out to be another girl who claims to be a boy. Along those lines, National Review asks the question that should be on everyone's lips: why are more school shooters (and potential shooters) suddenly identifying themselves as transgender? It probably has nothing to do with the testosterone they're taking, right? Speaking of transgender care, in the aftermath of the CASS report from the UK, two interesting things are happening: 1). The American medical groups have been silent and 2) David Brooks, opinion writer at the New York Times, has tentatively suggested that people follow the science. And on the Cass Report, Benjamin Ryan fact checks the fact checkers and does a thorough debunking of the pro-transgender talking points. And finally, Nike stock is still plumeting a year after using Dylan Mulvaney as a spokesman. All this, and more, in this week's News Roundup.
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