“Bill Maher calling out the pedophilia problem in Hollywood was a good start,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., of the talk show host’s recent monologue. “But he only scratched the surface.”
“Maher wasn’t shy in pointing out the sexual exploitation of children, particularly young actors in kids’ programs. Unfortunately, Hollywood’s depravity is not surprising. Many powerful people believe the Sexual Revolution’s lie that they can do whatever they want sexually, and kids should be okay with that.”
“Pedophilia was baked in from the beginning of the Sexual Revolution. Founders like Alfred Kinsey and Wilhelm Reich believed children were sexual from birth and should be free to explore their sexuality at an early age. That way of thinking created an environment ripe for pedophiles.”
“The architects of the Sexual Revolution also held that children should receive sex education, not so much to learn the mechanics of how babies are made, but to view sex as for pleasure, not necessarily for babies, marriage, or even love.”
“Childhood needed to be redefined as no longer a time of dependence and innocence. Good parenting meant giving children guilt-free opportunities to explore their sexuality.”
“Now minors have access to contraception and abortion, without parental knowledge or consent. Some states allow so-called “transgender” medical procedures, even taking children away from otherwise fit parents, if they don’t ‘affirm’ the child’s ‘gender identity.’ Thus, the redefinition of childhood is nearly complete.”
“So, thank you, Bill Maher for your stinging critique of Hollywood’s abuse of children. But you didn’t go far enough. We can’t end childhood sexual abuse without striking at the core of the Sexual Revolution and destroying all its rotten fruits.”
“The only way to protect children’s innocence is to reject the false teachings of the Sexual Revolution and to act like responsible, moral adults.”
“Hollywood will probably be the last to get on board with this, but Maher’s words were a welcome message to adults everywhere that destroying childhood innocence is not okay.”