In June, we're celebrating the Ex-Gays who have decided to leave behind their gay identities! For this News Roundup, we have a list of all the stories and podcasts who have featured our #exgay campaign. Take the time to read them and leave a positive comment on the original story. It will encourage regular people to participate and take a stand for our brothers and sisters who have left behind their gay identities.
But, never content to let sleeping dogs lie, the Sexual State is back at it in two important cases involving the holiest of shrines of the Sexual Revolution. In the most prominent case, the Biden DOJ is pursuing four felony charges against the Texas doctor who revealed gender affimration surgeries at a children's hospital. The other case, which isn't getting nearly as much attention, involves a few teenagers and a crosswalk in Washington State. There, the teenagers left a few skidmarks on the crosswalk, which the city had recently painted to represent the pride flag. Not content to make them clean up their vandalism, the city is actively prosecuting a case against them. You'll notice that the concern for vandalism is a new one, as the vandalism of 2020 or of the American flag doesn't seem to draw the same type of outrage or consternation on their part. They're giving away the game: their sexuality has become their god. You might even call it narcissistic sexuality. Another, of many, reasons that show why pride truly is a cardinal sin. All this, and more, in this week's News Roundup!
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